Continuous residence in Bulgaria is the procedure most often chosen by foreigners as a first step in settling their legal residence in Bulgaria.
The procedure is relatively fast – the application shall be examined by the authorities of the Ministry of Interior within a period of 14 days. Before that, however, the applicant should have entered the country with a D visa (for long stay) issued on the relevant ground.

Not everyone can obtain a continuous residence permit in Bulgaria. Among the reasons that foreigners most commonly choose /the list is not exhaustive/ are:
– the foreigner works under an employment contract in Bulgaria, after obtaining a permit, or does freelance work, or carries out non-profit activity;
– the foreigner carries out commercial activity, where as a result, at least 10 jobs for Bulgarian citizens should be ensured;
– the foreigner is of Bulgarian origin;
– the foreigner is a representative of a commercial representation office registered with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
– a foreigner’s child is a Bulgarian citizen or foreigner having permanent residence status in Bulgaria, after fulfilling the relevant additional requirements;
– the foreigner has entered our country for the purposes of continuous treatment;
– the foreigner is a pensioner and has sufficient means of subsistence;
-the foreigner has invested at least BGN 600,000 in ownership of real estate properties located in the Republic of Bulgaria, or owns more than 50 percent of the capital of a Bulgarian company, and as a result, the company has acquired real estate properties at that value.
-the foreigner has made an investment of at least BGN 250,000 in economically disadvantaged regions /there are further requirements/;
– the foreigner wants to carry out voluntary activities at the European Voluntary Service;

Each applicant should have accommodation, compulsory health insurance or compulsory social security health coverage, sufficient means of subsistence.

If you need legal assistance for obtaining long-term residency permit for Bulgaria, you can contact us at

For more information about the options for obtaining long-term residency permit, you can read the following articles:

Benefits and advantages by obtaining residency permit in Bulgaria

Receiving residency permit for Bulgaria through registration of Representative office of foreign company

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